Pictures Needed from Studio West Seniors!

23 Apr by Stephanie Campbell

I need the following Seniors to please email me a photo (ASAP!!) that we will be using on the Senior tables in the lobby during Senior Showcase on May 10.

If you would prefer that I use your headshot as your photo – please email me and let me know.

If you are not on this list it is because you have already sent me a photo – Thank You!

Send all emails to –

Charlie Brownd
Kamryn Campbell
Anna Flynn
Simon Garrett
SArah Holmes
Lillyan Johnson
AVery Keown
Harmony McNabb
Bradley McNeilll
Zach Pedarre
Zayn Picon
Apollo Rodemoyer
Curtis Ryder
Elena Santini
Zachary Scott
Sean Wilson
Charlie Strassel
Xenia Ukonga